Probiotic Foods and MCAS

So, I’ve been thinking about this a LOT because at least 10 people with MCAS (or similar) have argued with me how they “can’t” do this. (Try to cure/help their MCAS with probiotic foods.) Well, here are my thoughts, which of course you can take them or leave them. 😃

1. When someone feels “awful all of a sudden,” the instinct says, ok, don’t do that again! However, the thing with MCAS is sometimes totally the opposite of mold. With MCAS, the body is reacting to HELPFUL things with “erroneous” reactions vs. with mold the body is reacting to harmful things (mold or chemicals) with helpful reactions (warning the person to get away.)

2. Moldies need to completely re-think the difference between a mold or chemical reaction (and get away from the thing) and an MCAS reaction (evaluate whether it’s worth skipping/escaping the thing or not).

3. Probiotic foods are the prime example of this. Ironically, this is because probiotic foods (not necessarily probiotic pills) LITERALLY help cure MCAS. They help turn off mast cells. The histamine in probiotic foods is kind of like a “side effect of a medication.” Probiotic foods can also detox the body, rebuild the body, reduce heartburn and reflux, balance body biome, reduce episodes of constant burping, digest properly, increase digestive enzymes, reduce indigestion, and increase energy. They can also lead to tolerance of whole wheat and other foods which are foods that can bind toxins with very little risk once you tolerate wheat (after all, “daily bread” is in the Bible, and God made bread for humans). This is why I often recommend probiotic foods, even to people who have MCAS.

4. Of course, gaining all those foods back helps in other areas too (usually finances, LOL)

5. To me, all this is worth the “side effects” of probiotic foods, IF mild. But of course, everyone can make their own choice. 🙂

6. Probiotic foods may be (in my mind) the ONLY exception to try with MCAS despite histamines because I absolutely do understand the bucket full aspect of MAST cell (try them first during non allergy season.) But I also understand the power of probiotic foods to help empty the bucket (detox) even while the body STILL has trouble with the histamines from probiotic foods. There apparently is, though, a lo-histamine yogurt out there.

IOW, because of the direct correlation from probiotic foods to MCAS healing (rather than continuing to have to fight MCAS avoidance), it seems to me that probiotic foods, particularly yogurt, I should say, are worth putting at the top of the histamine bucket list in order to gain the benefits while minimizing the histamine. What appears to work best, especially if MCAS is severe (like affecting breathing like my friend who can now eat wheat), do a tiny bit on a spoon as often as possible rather than a whole bowl at once.

It’s true that doing this probiotic food method to help MCAS takes both courage and patience (sometimes even years, literally), but the science is there and I have seen it work for at least four people. I realize that’s not a big sample LOL but I believe in addition that my daughters and I did NOT get MCAS (or kept it below “syndrome” level) because we were eating probiotic foods almost every day in the mold house. She and I can both eat anything we want except chemicals in food. I also think that some people’s bodies are able to correct biome “by themselves” (maybe that person had hardly any antibiotics in their life, etc.) and that this is a big reason why some people move out of mold and their anaphylaxis episodes stop. But those whose episodes do not stop likely need the outside help. Well, my son also got MCAS this January post-viral, and that is worse than having it myself! So NO, it’s not because “I haven’t experienced it myself.” In fact, I have struggled with fairly extreme fear of my son having anaphylaxis starting when he was 2 and struggled with food reactions, hives, etc. That was even before the mold house. I also thought I was having anaphylaxis once, and when the EMTs got there, my heart rate and blood pressure had skyrocketed because I was so scared. Yogurt is making my son’s and husband’s MCAS less and less even now.

fermented salsa

Black Hills Picture Books Edgemont SD, 57735

About Christa Upton

I am a wife and mother of three children ages 11, 14, and 18. I used to be a stay-at-home mom (teaching piano & dance, volunteering, etc). From 2007 to 2010, I suffered accidental Toxic Injury (also called Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or MCS). MCS has had major impact on our family, but the forced time in bed has given me time to write. So far, I have published 4 children's books (2 in e-book format on Kindle, one in Print-on-Demand at CreateSpace, and one printed by a local printer). Sometimes I miss my old life, but I love writing for children!
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1 Response to Probiotic Foods and MCAS

  1. Ivo says:

    This is great! I’ve been thinking about making kvass and pickles onions but afraid to react badly, I will try your method of small rations few times a day!

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